Cure Parkinson’s are here for the cure. Cure Parkinson’s is working with urgency to find new treatments to slow, stop and reverse Parkinson’s. Their funding and innovation has redefined the field of Parkinson’s research, enabling the world’s leading researchers to prioritise the next generation of drugs for clinical trial.
By the end of 2022 Cure Parkinson’s will have two of only four drugs in Phase III medical trials globally. Their impact and influence continue to exceed all expectations. But their International Committee of leading Neuroscientists have prioritised 43 drugs for urgent investigation, and we need a step change in funding to complete trials of these substances in the next five years.
In 2017 was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. And as Chairman of their Development Board I am committed to work tirelessly to with other Board members, the Charity and all our supporters to raise £40m to accelerate research.
I do this in the knowledge that, due to their influence and track record, each £ we raise will catalyse a ratio 7:1 of further funding from their network of partners, so that we can research this priority list of substances.
We need your help! If you would like to join us and make a donation to Cure Parkinson’s please click here or visit their website
Together we will conquer Parkinson’s. THANK YOU